Plugin – Rbl-Navigator
Author: rberthou
Rbl-Navigator is my second plugin for WordPress. In this plugin I just integrate a treeview menu in a widget.
This plugin permit to represent in just a widget your last articles, the list of the categories (and their “n” last articles), static links and the directory contents. I think I am going to add soon, if it seems usefull to you, the blogroll and the list of the last comments.
Exemple of use

To install this plugin on your WordPress configuration you just have to:
- Unzip the download file in the index/wp-content/plugins of your wordpress installation.
- Start the plugin in the administration console.
- Add a widget Rbl-Navigator in your SideBar.
- Configure this widget

When you parametrize the Rbl-Navigator widget, a window appears and permit to specify the followings parameters :
- Title : Title of the widget
- Data : This data permit to build a treeview.
- Image Base : Default index of the images used by the plugins. (normally “img/ot”)
- Separator : Separation tape normally used by the plugin.”§”
- Max size : Max lenght of an item of the treeview in tape. (0 if there is no limit)
Data zone
0 § Home § 14 § /fr/index.php § ?Welcome
0 § %%LAST-5 § Last news § 1
0 § %%CAT-19,20-5 § Mes categs 19 et 20 § 1
0 § %%CAT-4-5 § Ma categ 4 § -1
0 § A propos § 19 § /fr/?p=2
This area permit to define teh whole contents of a treeview. This is structure as the following exemple :
- Static links :
Col |
Description |
1 |
Hierarchical level (0 1st level). |
2 |
Title |
3 |
Icon number |
4 |
5 |
destination target or help message (bullet) if the string start with a ‘?’ |
- Commandes (WP) :
Col |
Description |
1 |
Hierarchical level(0 1st level). |
2 |
Command (start by %%) |
3 |
Title |
4 |
Icon number |
- Commands format :
Command |
Description |
%%LAST-(n) |
Show the last n news Exemple : %%LAST-5 |
%%CAT-(idcat)-(n) |
Show the last n news in categories idcat Exemple : %%CAT-19,20-5 (display the last 5 articles in the categories 19 and 20)
%%CAT-ALL-3 (show les 3 last news in all categories) |
%%REP-(directory)-(action) |
Exemple : %%REP-/www/tliste/-aaa.php?file=tliste/ (display a structure and contents of directory /www/tliste/ and define an action for each item aaa.php?file=nomdufichier
- JQuery : This plugin use the intern version at WordPress of JQuery to limit the modifications during the oppening of the closing of a node.
But it perfectly works if the Javascript support is desactivated.
- Optimisation : To limit the acess to the data base, a file is generate during the key-boarding of an article or during the modification of the widget’s configuration.
- 04/05/2008 : Version 1.00 1st version
5 Responses pour"Plugin – Rbl-Navigator"
I”ve used wp-dtree-30 plug in until now, I”m looking to replace it since its not supports in wordpress 2.5.1
My qestions are: is Rbl-Navigator provides the same funconalty?
2. there arent many exmpales how to oprate “rbl” I understand its not working out of the box since its required to add different parameters to the data section.
Can you help me figure out what should I insert on the plugin widjet in order to make it work?
Bassecly I want my catagoris and archives to be located on the side bar without taking to much space.
You can see my current sidebar:
which is using the wp-dtree plugin, I need somthing the same.
Thank you very much.
Sorry but I never use wp-dtree () and I dont know there functionality.
i see your site with wp-dtree and with rbl-navigator you can not :
– set node icon to right (only left)
– display archive (not implemented but I think add this in the next version).
hi. Thanks for plugin
This appears to be a wonderful addition to wordpress. Finally a tree view that will display contents of a folder. I have given the following line into the widget, but it does not display the contents of the folders, or documents. Would you have a suggestion?
0 ! %%REP-/user/public_html/pack1179/wp-content/uploads/documents/-aaa.php?file=documents/
1) How to use _top in plugins now is _blank
2) how to display only category and sub category witout post
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